Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Senior Announcements & Invitations

Just after we get the Christmas cards in the mail, for high school seniors and their parents it's time to start thinking about graduation and open house announcements.  Here at THG we love to create custom cards for seniors that not only convey the information necessary (dates, times, places) but reflect their personalities.  

Here are a few examples of what we have created for our special seniors over this past year:

card 2

card 2

card 1



AS final card

card 2

trees copy

clean layers


Thursday, December 4, 2008

A tribute to Coach Flowers

Recently I had the privilege of being asked to contribute photographs to be used in a video to pay tribute to Harrison High School's football coach Jeromy Flowers.  Coach Flowers is a man who has had a very positive impact on many HHS students--way beyond the football team.  I thought I would share it with you.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Small Strobes, Big Results

This past Monday I had the grand opportunity to attend the 
Small Strobes, Big Results workshop with lighting master David Tejada!  To put it succinctly, it knocked my socks off!  If you are a photog and have not had the oppotunity to attend this seminar, go find out when David's coming into your region and GO!

I admit to being a rookie in the off-camera strobe world, being a mostly natural light photographer with my seniors, and what I learned has opened a whole new world to me in my photography.  My previous attempts at working with strobes had often created a less-than flattering effects for my subjects unless the circumstances were truly favorable (IE:  a small room with walls I could bounce it off) I have been armed with so many new techniques to really create everything from a natural look to the truly dramatic. To top it off, because we stuck to working just with small strobes and simple equipment, I can add this to my repertoire without selling a kidney (B&H and Amvona, here I come!).

Much thanks to David and his assistant Eric for a day filled with so much information and many laughs to boot!

Our gracious hostess, Polina Osherov -- who was much more peppy throughout the day than it looks here!

The tremendous Ms. Shawn Schaub  getting some advice from the master himself

Getting things set up with one of our two great models for the day Chris.

Just a simple shot of Chris but what is amazing was the backdrop was white--a gelled strobe behind him created that beautiful blue.

Here was something I had never seen before--this shot of the stunning Rachel was done by shooting a yellow gelled strobe which was set off to the side through a Lightbreak (simply a clear piece of plastic with black patterns on it).  Oh the drama!  Who would believe this is early afternoon on a sunny day! (oh, and check out her shoes!  they were kickin'!!)


The ever-affable Linda Olgies  check out her images!

I am lovin' that nice soft glow coming through an umbrella

Shawna hangin' with Chris!


Diggin' the split lighting for a strong, dramatic look on a guy!


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Good season, Raiders!

As much as I truly love capturing the images of seniors and families, there is a special place in my heart for photographing sports--especially football.  And this year I was given the privilege of being on the sidelines with the Harrison High School Raiders to snap up some of the action on the field!  What fun it was!  The Raider season came to an end on Friday night as they lost in the Sectional Championship game to defending state champion Carmel, but the season was most certainly a success in every way!  

To the seniors of the Harrison squad:  best of luck in your future endeavors both on and off the field!  You guys were a blast to be with--certainly the classiest sideline crowd I witnessed this year!!

To the underclassman Raiders:  I can't wait until next year!!  Raider Up!

Here's a few quick highlights from the season:







Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sunshine Dance

This evening I was privileged to take photos of our daughter Morgan and several of her friends just before they were off to Harrison's annual semi-formal dance.  What fun!!  These guys were a hoot and really great sports about participating in our ad hoc photo shoot!

Now I am up waiting for my daughter to return home (a mother cannot sleep until everyone is home safe & sound), so I thought I would have a little fun playing with some of the images.


Is this the coolest bunch of guys you've ever seen, or what?!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Matt --Senior 09

I love my job because I love working with guys like Matt!  He was so adventuresome and willing to try just about anything. Obviously well versed at climbing--he climbed fallen trees and up into box cars for this shoot!   I think by the time we were done he realized he is much more like a model than he had ever thought before!  He has style, flair and charisma and is jut too dag-gone cute!

Matt, here's a peek at what's to come:

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Ben -- Senior 09

After  a morning where it seemed everything was going against the odds of getting this shoot done (touch of the flu, showing up at the wrong house) I finally got together with Ben and boy, was it worth it!  Ben is a senior at Harrison -- he is stong, handsome, smart, funny, a family guy and just an all-around nice guy!  Ladies, you should be lining up for this one--alas, rumor is, he's taken!

Ben & I utilized the beautiful grounds of his home, the big brown eyes of his dog Jake (who you will meet later) and then ventured over to Harrison to capture him both by the school itself and down in the football stadium where he has spent many a Friday night.  (sidenote:  Ben and the Raider football team are vying for the sectional championship tonight!  Go Raiders!!)

Thanks for being such a trooper, Ben.  Here's a "sneak peek" of what's to come: 

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Anna -- Senior 09

Oh my!  How I love it when someone with a dramatic look winds up in front of my lens!  What a beautiful and dramatic young woman Anna is!!  And yet coupled with all that strength is a tenderness that oozed from her as she interacted with her horse Zippy.  We had some more giggly moments to--full of smiles which we will see more of when the whole set is complete--but I couldn't pass up on the opportunity to share these dramatic shots.

A big thank you goes out to the Wild About Horses Aquestrian Center  in West Point, IN for allowing us bring Zippy out and shoot at their picturesque location!  Pam, if you're ever looking for a job as a photo assistant, you're hired!!

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Halsema Family

Meet the Halsema Family:  Heather, Ken & Michael.  You want to have fun and laugh a lot?  Hang out with this troop!!  And have fun we did!  We met on a fabulous autumn day at the Prophetstown State Park and romped our way down the trails making stops all along the way!


Here's Michael!  God was having some big-time fun the day he created this guy!!

The boys!

Gotta love a ham!!

Amidst all the joking and laughter, the sweetness of Heather & Ken's relationship shined through!

All I had to say was, "Hey Michael, Mom & Dad are kissing!!" and this is the reaction we got!

Thanks so much Halsema family!  I know God has many wonders in store for you all as you continue your journey together!!