On a summer evening there are few places I would rather be than at a ballfield (okay, the beach would supercede 'ballfield' on a top ten list, but I live in Indiana...alas). And what's even better than watching a game -- photographing one! And last night that was just what I did -- thanks to a very gracious invitation by the Battle Ground 'Consona' Bronco baseball team.
These guys got plays -- and some serious heart! Rumor has it their season didn't start out so well, but they bonded together as a team, learned to depend on one another, offered instruction and encouragement both among themselves and from a gaggle of outstanding men in coaching positions!! And, WAHLAH! They were on a winning streak! As of the beginning of last night's game, they were one of only six teams left in tournament play (it began with thirty+).
The boys are in the dugout listening to pre-game instructions from the coaches -- and the ball is ready to go!

What a good looking group!

"Hey, look what's in there!"

Kendall Kyrurz slides in safely at second -- Yeah!!

Bringin' the heat!!

A little regrouping.

Gotta love a solid hit!!

Flyin' down the first base line.

Whoa! That's intense!

Isn't it amazing how catcher can fly all over the place to get their job done?! (It takes me five minutes just to stand up from a squatting position.)
I feel a hit coming!

Gotta love the focus! (I wonder if he pays attention like that in math class?!)

The after-game wrap up. Kudos to all!

Unfortunately for these guys, they fought hard but wound up on the short end of a 7-6 final score. Nothing to hang their heads over, though. They hung in there and played well. More importantly, I want to report that rarely have I heard a group of men, young and old, who handled themselves with such dignity and depth of character on the field. I have no doubt these boys are headed for success in the future, both on and off the field.
Congratulations, dudes! Thanks for inviting me out for a bit of the ride.