Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Logan -- Senior '09

Meet Logan -- a Harrison High School senior (alright, now alumni). Logan's year was so packed that he didn't get around to getting senior pics done until after all his senior activities came to a close. That's alright, because we had a fabulous time together and here is a few of the images from our afternoon.

Logan was the captain of the award-winning Harrison Robotics team. There is an unbelievable amount of time, energy and ingenuity put into these robots -- absolutley amazing! And the work of Logan and his teammates paid off as they participated in the National Championships in Atlanta, GA (the same weekend as Prom -- crazy!!)


This is a guy whose got both brains and brawn -- beyond his work in robotics, Logan played for the Harrison Raider football team. There are a couple opposing team players who are probably still smartin' from the sacks he put on them!!


Outside the school walls, Logan faithfully serves his parish -- St. Mary's Catholic Church obviously holds a special place in his heart, so we had to grab a few shots there.

What's with the bare feet, you ask? It could be a symbol of the dedicated sense of service that Logan feels towards his fellow man--symbolism taken from the recounting of Jesus' washing of the feet of His disciples. That would be really deep, wouldn't it?! Very cool. And yet, although I by no means doubt Logan's commitment to serve the Church and his fellow man, the reality is: this boy simply forgot his shoes!! Too funny -- we just decided to roll with it!

Congratulations, Logan on both your successes in robotics & athletics and your graduation. Onward and upward, man!

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