Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Stephens' Collegiate tour begins!

For those trying to get ahold of me this week:  I am off accompanying our eldest Morgan on the first official  STOC (Stephens' Tour of Colleges)!  Yes, our girl has her sites set on becoming a rockin' journalist, so we are perusing a few of the institutions which may help get her on that path.  Yesterday was stop #1 at Indiana University in Bloomington.  Tomorrow morning we head northward to Chicago to visit Northwestern and U of Chicago--with a little detour to the Majestic Theatre to catch a performance of Wicked and probably a bit of window-shopping to boot!  

So, if you have sent me an email or left me a voicemail, please know you are not being ignored--I will get back in the saddle on Monday. -- janet

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