Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Senior 09 -- Christina

Beauty, calm, tons of personality, boatloads of talent and dimples to die for...that's Christina.  Just before she begins her senior journey at Harrison High School, we snuck out early one morning to enjoy the sunrise and these beautiful wildflowers.  

Enjoy your "sneak peek", Christina!

09 Seniors -- Brad

How much fun can be had in a cow pasture?  TONS!  Especially when you couple all those amazing beasts with a great guy like Harrison senior Brad!  We gathered out in the fields to capture him with some of the bovine he raises and shows--on top of the fact that he is a top-notch student and an athlete (some guys can do everything!).

Enjoy the sneak peak of your images, Brad!

Monday, July 21, 2008

On the road

I am out of the studio (on the road to the national softball tournament in Minneapolis and sharing some awesome quality time with my two oldest kids Morgan & Jake) until Tuesday, July 29.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ashlee, again!

I had such a rockin' time with Ashlee last week, that I just had to share a bit more from her senior session!   Be watching for more 09 Seniors -- specifically Brad & Christina -- when I return from the Land of Lakes!

Summer on the field

Many Hoosiers spend their summers working in a corn, wheat or soybean field.  We, on the other hand, spend much of ours on the softball field.  Actually, it's our daughter Morgan and her teammates on the Indiana Twisters that are on the field, we are on the bleachers biting our nails and cheering them on!  This time of year it is totally life-consuming, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!

In the morning we will head for Elgin, IL (just outside Chicago) for a collegiate showcase tournment, then shoot further up north to Minneapolis for the AFA National Championship tourney.  So, I'll be away from my dear computer for the next ten days but be watching for updates when I return!

Here's Morgan in the circle for the Twisters.  

Her dynamite counterpart in the battery, Holly, waiting to make the tag.

Last weekend the Twisters were runners-up in the ASA National Qualifier in nearby Indianapolis.

Of course, you still have to make time to eat and what a fabulous place this was to do it!  Rick's Boat House on Eagle Creek.  That's a few of the Twister ladies dangling their tootsies in the water (amazingly, nobody wound up falling in!).

this is a bunch who know how to enjoy their food!!

Friday, July 11, 2008


Close your eyes and imagine with me for a minute....(oh, I guess the closed eyes would prohibit you from reading the rest of this, so forget the eye closing, just roll with me here).   If I were to say "top-notch softball catcher", what would you think that girl would look like?  Well, I am about to blow 99.9% of you out of the water! This week I got to work with Ashlee who happens to be the varsity catcher for Harrison Raiders.  This lady is not only an outstanding athlete, but just down-right gorgeous to boot.

We had so much fun!  Ashlee,  her awesome mom Laura, her too cute for words boyfriend Matt and myself wondered the streets of the Chauncey Hill area here in West Lafayette and stopped in a variety of spots.  A special shout out of thanks goes to The Love Shack for allowing us to use their facilities as a changing room!

Here's a few of my favorites from my first '09 senior shoot!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

New Senior Sets for 2009!

Here it is!  Hot off the presses!  New senior sets for 2009.  Whether you are looking for just the basics (the "basically basic"--how's that for making the point?) or want your whole senior year captured, THG has something for you!  Don't see exactly what you had in mind, contact me for a custom quote.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Summer fun

Okay, I am going to dish out a little unsolicited advice here---if at all possible this summer, go on an adventure!  That's right, stow away the Wii, turn off the tv and computer, gather up family and friends and do something out of the ordinary!  It doesn't have to be elaborate or expensive--just shake out of that ol' comfort zone and do something different.  I can promise you one thing--it's refreshing!  And thanks to my dear friend Carrie who challenged me to put "the list" aside earlier this week and load the boys (Morgan was in Mexico and Jake had drum line) and a couple great friends along with herself and daughter Samantha in our old van and headed down the road about 20 miles.  We sought out (and found!) Al Capone's abandon hideout, splashed in a creek and caught crawdads, then belly surfed down the smooth rapids at The Potholes!  A grand time was had by one and all!

the troops lookin' "all gangsta' " since we were exploring the ruins of Mudlavia--a get-a-way destination of Al Capone.

A little venture down the road lead us to this beatiful stream--
complete with crawdads, fish and a snakes!
Mud and water and sticks abound...a little boys' paradise!
Daniel even unearthed this horseshoe!

Then it was on to The Potholes--can you believe this is in Indiana?!!

really, nobody had fun there!

Pusey Family

Ever wonder what it is like to be around an amazing and interactive family whose love for God glistens like the sun on water in their love for one another?  Then you should have been with me on this shoot!  The Pusey family (Phil & Brenda and their kiddos Hanson, Hawk and Adora--cool names for cool kids!) were all that and more!  We started out in front of their beautiful homestead (where they graciously refrained from laughing when I stepped in a hole and fell within the first five minutes -- and, let's face it, it had to have looked pretty funny!), then tromped through the streets of their native town Battleground (think there's nothing to shoot in little ol' Battleground, think again!) and wrapped things up down by the creek!  So much fun! Oh, and for those who may not recognize her, Brenda is the incredibly talented photographic editor from Appointed Design!  Yes, her fingerprint is all over these babies!