Okay, I am going to dish out a little unsolicited advice here---if at all possible this summer, go on an adventure! That's right, stow away the Wii, turn off the tv and computer, gather up family and friends and do something out of the ordinary! It doesn't have to be elaborate or expensive--just shake out of that ol' comfort zone and do something different. I can promise you one thing--it's refreshing! And thanks to my dear friend Carrie who challenged me to put "the list" aside earlier this week and load the boys (Morgan was in Mexico and Jake had drum line) and a couple great friends along with herself and daughter Samantha in our old van and headed down the road about 20 miles. We sought out (and found!) Al Capone's abandon hideout, splashed in a creek and caught crawdads, then belly surfed down the smooth rapids at The Potholes! A grand time was had by one and all!
the troops lookin' "all gangsta' " since we were exploring the ruins of Mudlavia--a get-a-way destination of Al Capone.

A little venture down the road lead us to this beatiful stream--

complete with crawdads, fish and a snakes!

Mud and water and sticks abound...a little boys' paradise!

Daniel even unearthed this horseshoe!

Then it was on to The Potholes--can you believe this is in Indiana?!!

really, nobody had fun there!