Monday, September 8, 2008

A Change of Perspective

Okay, so I really enjoy watching sports (unfortunately, way too uncoordinated to actually participate).  And, I really love taking photographs.  Sooooo, shooting sports is just a kick for me!  This evening the Harrison Raiders JV football team was on the field against the Avon Orioles and I decided to use it as an experiment and shoot the game, but from different angles than I would normally.  More specifically, I decided to see 'how low can you go?'--well, me, go--ah, I mean how low could I go, get, know what I mean.  

Anyway, early in the game I learned that when a play comes toward the sideline and you are low down and over 40 years old, getting out of the way is tougher than imagined -- but it lead to some, ah, interesting shots, like this one...

but as I grew more acclimated to my new setting, it was awesome to feel so 'in the action'...

this next series of three resulted in me being in the midst of the pile in the end, but I think it was worth it! (#18 here hurdled just past me, but the Avon defender and I became quickly acquainted--he jumped up profusely apologizing, it was too funny!)





this one I took lying on the ground behind the end zone--unfortunately the Raiders did move that line much closer to me and the game ended with the score shown on the board.

I think next week I'll bring a ladder, or trapeze, or sit in the trees beyond the field, hmmm....


Anonymous said...

You are WAY TO GOOD! Looks like an experiment that went awesome and made me laughed out loud!

Megan said...

Get low Janet!