Saturday, June 28, 2008

Graduation announcements

Now that the 2007-08 school year has wrapped up for everybody, we have been busy here at THG Photography helping put the finishing touches on some local high school graduates senior year.  Here are three graduation card announcements (which will double as thank you cards, in this case) we pulled together for the handsome Mr. Adamle Spencer.  Props to Brenda at Appointed Design for her fabulous work (as usual!) on this project.

Let me know you favorite!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Becky & Isaac wedding album

Not that I am intending to make a regular practice of doing this here on my blog, but due to extenuating circumstances, I am presenting the album we designed for the wonderful couple Becky & Isaac here in its entirety.  

A big 'shout out' of thanks to Brenda at Appointed Design for the fabulous layout work!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Kimberly's Graduation

OK--so I know that I am way behind on my blogging (not to mention editing), so I thought I would share another family celebration from last month (I know, I am out of order--what else is new?!)--

On May 18, my fabulous niece Kimberly Hamer graduated from DePauw University (with honors, I might add--check out those cords!!).  

I thought the keynote speaker was rather interesting--I guess not all the attendees would have agreed.

Kimberly getting congrats hugs from her sister Stephanie and Steph's hub Tom.  (we learned that evening that they were buying their first house!  It was a big month!)

Everyone always asks 'when do you get in the picture?' -- so here it is--Kimberly the DePauw graduate and me the....ah...let's finish that thought

One last stroll to the grounds of the Alpha Phi house--Kimberly enjoying a little break with her mom Diane

Do they look happy to be finished, or what?!

Proud parents Steve & Diane with their grad (I believe Steve is thinking, "I can't believe it--no more tuition payments...ever!!)

Congratulations, Kimberly!  To say that we are proud of you barely scratches the surface!

Mom's 75th Birthday

My beautiful mother Betty Hamer turned 75 years old this past Tuesday and we certainly thought she and the wonderful seventy-five years God has blessed this world with her presence were truly reason to celebrate!

And celebrate we did--family and friends gathered at the charming Keltie's restaurant in historic Westfield and surprised Mom when she arrived for what she thought was to be a quiet dinner with my dad and their dear friends Jack & Beverly Nygaard (all of whom were in cahoots with us partiers--Academy Awards all around!).  To top it off, two of my brothers who live out of state added surprise to the surprise for both Mom & Dad as they clandestinely made the journey (Jack & his amazing wife Sheryl from Missouri and Don from NJ) to echo good wishes on Mom's 75th.  It will be an evening long-remembered! {more pics on my snapshot gallery--click here}

Mom still trying to digest the fact that Don has journeyed from afar.

Good food, good family, good friends makes for a wonderful evening!

The youngest of her grandchildren, my little guy Tim, also on hand to celebrate.

Jack & Betty Hamer--my mom & dad--aren't they adorable?!

The food, prepared by Keltie herself and served by a most-excellent duet of servers was spot-on!

Not quite everyone, but all those who remained until the end!

Mom looking a little teary-eyed with her eldest son Jack--the parting the next morning was so bittersweet.

I just love this shot of my mom as she seems to be looking forward to even more years yet to come!
For all the photos of the celebration and family breakfast the following morning, go to

Raider Softball 08 Image Collection Book

For those who didn't get a chance to see it at the banquet, but would like to take a peek, here is a movie of the image collection book the varsity team presented to Coach Abby Willis! 

Enjoy your summer, everyone!